
We are celebrating the amazing work our colleagues are doing in the other FOUR PAWS Sanctuaries around the world


FOUR PAWS offers rescued wild animals such as big cats, bears and orangutans a second chance in life in one of our sanctuaries across the globe. In these sanctuaries rescued wild animals are provided a safe haven in a species-appropriate environment. FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands is one of these sanctuaries. 

Every Saturday, we shared interesting #SanctuarySaturdays stories from the other global sanctuaries on our Facebook, to celebrate the amazing work our colleagues are doing, dedicating their lives to provide the rescued animals 24/7 with the care they  need. 

Did you miss a story? No worries! You can find them below:

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Bengal tigress Dehli is the oldest animal at our FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands. For years, she lived in a very small enclosure without any distractions, until FOUR PAWS met her in late 2013. Then, her life finally started to change.


Did you know...?

FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands is a small special care sanctuary for rescued and traumatized big cats that were abused, neglected or discarded and forced to live under poor circumstances.

Learn more about FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary


The young lioness Marion became worldwide news in February 2019, after her claws were brutally removed with garden shears in Gaza's oldest zoo. FOUR PAWS managed to rescue her and the 46 other zoo animals. Marion now lives a happy life with 5 other rescued lions in Al Ma'wa for Nature and Wildlife, Jordan.


Did you know...?

Through a partnership of the Princess Alia Foundation and FOUR PAWS in 2011, Al Ma'wa for Nature and Wildlife was established in order to provide a regional solution for rescued wildlife.

Learn more about Al Ma'wa for Nature and Wildlife


An adorable young barn owl was found in a warehouse in Lower Austria. As the nest could not be found, she came to OWL & BIRDS OF PREY RESCUE STATION Haringsee until her return to the wild.


Did you know...?

The OWL & BIRDS OF PREY RESCUE STATION Haringsee in Austria, which is part of FOUR PAWS since 2016, primarily cares for injured owls and birds of prey, but also helps other wildlife.

Learn more about EGS Haringsee


Dobry's first owner used him for wrestling with people, and his second owner made him a dance bear. During an accident on one of the tours, he lost his sight. Today Dobry finally has found peace in DANCING BEARS PARK Belitsa.


Did you know...?

DANCING BEARS PARK Belitsa in Bulgaria is a cooperation sanctuary between FOUR PAWS and the French Brigitte Bardot Foundation.

Learn more about DANCING BEARS PARK Belitsa


The little orangutan Tegar was in very poor condition when we found him and it turned out he had been made an orphan shortly before being rescued. He now lives in our FOUR PAWS FOREST SCHOOL on Borneo, where he learns everything to once survive in the wild again.


Did you know...?

The FOUR PAWS FOREST SCHOOL officially opened its doors in East Kalimantan in 2018 and contains 100 hectare. Each orphan is likely to have witnessed the gruesome killing of their mothers, and often show remnants of that trauma in their behaviour. 


Asiatic black bear Hung endured over 17 years living in a tiny cage with lack of sunlight, poor nutrition and painful bile extraction, until his rescue in September 2019. In BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh he received the love and care he deserved. Unfortunately he passed away a year after the rescue due to irreversible health conditions.


Did you know...?

Although the production of bear bile is forbidden in Vietnam, illegal bile extraction still take place. In our BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh these abused 'bile bears' find a safe haven.

Learn more about BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh


The ‘chain bear’ Pashuk was forced to suffer for many years in a dark cage next to a restaurant in Albania. The iron chain around his neck was so tight, that his flesh had grown around it. Luckily he could be rescued and now lives at our BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina.


Did you know...?

BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina in Kosovo offers a second chance to brown bears that were neglected or abused and forced to live under unappropriated conditions. 

Learn more about BEAR SANCTUARY 


Bear Potap is a very happy and playful bear, but there was a time when this was hardly possible. 
Potap became the first resident of our BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr in Ukraine


Did you know...?

BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr in Ukraine provides a species-appropriate home to brown bears that were abused as baiting bears or kept in small cages next to restaurants.

Learn more about BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr


Tigress Varvara was the last tiger that ever performed in a Bulgarian circus. Since her rescue in 2015 she lives in our TIERART sanctuary in Germany.


Did you know...?

TIERART is a very special sanctuary that not only offers a permanent home to tigers, but also operates as a rehabilitation program for rescued native species.

Learn more about TIERART


Bears Meimo and Amelia lived in a tiny cage near a restaurant in Albania for twelve years. Since January 2019 they live a happy life in the Swiss mountains, in Arosa Bear Sanctuary.


Did you know...?

Arosa Bear Sanctuary is the first bear sanctuary in Switzerland. It's run by a cooperation between FOUR PAWS, Arosa Tourism and Arosa Mountain Railways. 

Learn more about Arosa Bear Sanctuary


Tiger Caruso was born in a circus but preferred to play rather than to learn tricks. After years of intensive care, he was transferred to LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa in March 2019.


Did you know...?

LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary contains an area of 1,250 hectare and takes care of more than 100 rescued big cats. 

Learn more about LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary


The three-legged bear Dushi was rescued from the "Zoo from Hell" in Albania and now lives a species-appropriate life in BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz.


Did you know...?

BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz is the biggest bear sanctuary in Western Europe. The sanctuary was established in the heart of Mecklenburg Lake District in 2006 and contains 16 ha. 

Learn more about BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz 


Emma & Erich were forced to live in a small concrete cage for 5 years, until they could be rescued and transferred to BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach


Did you know...?

BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach in Austria was the first sanctuary to be founded by FOUR PAWS in 1998 and offers rescued brown bears a second chance in life. 

Learn more about BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach


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