Lion Nikola with a ball

wish list felida

You can also support FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary with 'donations in kind'


Donations in kind

Of course, we are very happy with every financial donation that we receive. But did you know that you can also support FELIDA with 'donations in kind'? When we receive certain goods, we can directly use them for the care for our animals.

Thanks to your generosity we have already received a lawnmower, a garden hose, shovels, a wheelbarrow, a professional vacuum cleaner, tools and a camera. In addition, our animals are regularly pleased with, for example, pumpkins, melons, perfume and pulling ropes which are all used as enrichment.

Below you will find our wish list with an overview of the goods we currently are looking for. Do you have items available from this list? Please contact FELIDA first, via, via +31516451648 or via Facebook. We do our best to update the wish list regularly, but to make sure we don't receive items double, it would be great to contact us first.

Our current wish list

For the animal care:

  • Bamboo poles of which we can make enrichment puzzels or structures. Minimal diameters 14-16 cm and 3 meter long (see example here);
  • 1m3 bag of tree bark ground cover to put in the outdoor enclosures to allow the animals to walk on different surfaces (see example here);
  • Shoecovers in different sizes (S, M, L, and XL) to improve hygiene standards in enclosures of quarantined animals (see example here);
  • Various spices (minimum 250 grams), such as paprika, curry, lemon or cinnamon to sprinkle on the enrichment or in an enclosure for our animals. (See example here);
  • Various materials, which can be used as enrichment, to entertain our animals, including:
    • Hessian rope, at least 25 mm thick (see example here);
    • Wicker baskets without staples;
    • Natural feathers (no plastic);
  • Cut-resistant work glove to safely prepare the meat for our big cats (see example here).

On the terrain or in the office:

  • A dryer to professionally dry and keep the medical towels for the animals clean (see example here);
  • A vacuum cleaner to keep the facilities tidy (see example here);

These items will be used very intensively, on the terrain and for the animals. Second-hand items are more than welcome but must still be very usable and of good quality. Hygiene and safety are very important to us!

This is the work we can do thanks to your support:

Tiger Tsezar in his little pool

meet our animals


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