Lioness Manuschka lies in the grass of her new outdoor enclosure at FELIDA

Lioness Manuschka

From a circus act to a safe home


Lioness Manuschka was only 3 months old when she was separated from her family and sold with her half-brother to a German circus. For years, she was forced to perform tricks in the circus. After the unexpected death of her companion the young lioness found herself scared and alone awaiting her uncertain future.

Lioness Manuschka in the circus act of circus Quaiser. Sitting on a platform

Lioness Manuschka forced to perform in the circus.

The start of a new life

In a collaborative effort with the vet authority in Germany, FOUR PAWS was asked to provide a new home for the lonely lioness named Manuschka from the German circus Quaiser. This decision was made after Manuschka's companion lion, suddenly passed away. The lioness was born in a private big cat facility in France on 2nd of August 2019 and sold, along with her half-brother to a German circus when they were only three months old. The circus was urged by veterinary officials to find a suitable environment for Manuschka by either providing her with a new partner or transferring her to an organization capable of socialising her. Following negotiations and assurances from the circus that they would no longer use big cats in their performances, Manuschka was voluntarily handed over to the care of FOUR PAWS on 10th of July 2024, and temporarily transferred to our other sanctuary TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary.

Temporary home at TIERART

In the early days of her stay at TIERART, Manuschka quickly formed an important connection with the animal caretakers on site. As she adjusted to her temporary outdoor enclosure and various enrichment materials, the lioness slowly and bravely started to explore her new life out of the circus lights. In the following months, our colleagues at TIERART prepared the lioness for the transfer in the best possible way. They did daily positive reinforcement training with her. This is to familiarize Manuschka with the transport crate so she does not have to be put under anaesthesia before her journey to FELIDA.

Lioness Manuschka in her temporary enclosure at TIERART.

The next chapter

With the construction of new enclosures at FELIDA completed, it was time for Manuschka to be transferred to her new home in the Netherlands. Unlike other big cats, lions are highly social animals. At our big cat sanctuary, Manuschka will be able to have contact with other lions and hopefully be socialised in the future. On the 14th of October 2024, our colleagues in TIERART successfully guided the five-year-old lioness into her transport crate and got ready for the journey to the Netherlands. After a smooth 7-hour drive, Manuschka finally arrived at her new home. She first needed time to settle in and get used to the new environment. 

The first step to a bright future

After an adaptation period in the indoor enclosure, Manuschka was released into her brand-new and species-appropriate outdoor enclosure. She is the first lioness to ever set paws in it.

The brave lioness is now breathing in the fresh Dutch air and when the time is right, she will be moved next to lioness Elza who will be in the neighbouring enclosure. She will continue her positive reinforcement training, building on the foundation she received at TIERART in Germany. These training sessions provide mental stimulation, encourage natural behaviours, and increase physical activity. They also serve as a base for medical training, allowing caretakers to monitor her health closely.

Lioness Manuschka resting in the grass of her new outdoor enlcosure

Welcome home Manuschka!

Facts about Manuschka

  • Born in France on 2nd of August 2019
  • Sold to a German circus when she was only 3 months old
  • Temporary stayed at TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary
  • She is calm but curious lioness
  • Very interested her surroundings

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